Homeless Youth Education

Northeastern York School District is committed to removing barriers for all students facing challenges.  We want to ensure that all students have access to a strong educational program. And are committed to ensuring that ALL children and youth experiencing homelessness have an opportunity to participate and succeed in our schools.  

The following information will provide students and families with the legal definition of “homeless children and youth”, an overview of student’s rights, and access to additional resources.

Please do not hesitate to contact Northeastern’s Homeless Liaison, Mr. Jefferson Clifton, with any questions or concerns or for additional assistance with your child’s educational needs.  Mr. Clifton may be reached via email cliftonj@nebobcats.org or by phone at (717)266-6570.

The McKinney-Vento Act:  Who is Homeless?

The term “homeless children and youth”:

A Student’s Rights

Additional Resources: